Export HEIC To PNG Using Mac
HEIC is an High Efficiency Image File Format. HEIC is the new format images are stored on Apple product by default. People tend to prefer to have their images in PNG or JPEG since these formats are supported almost everywhere, where as HEIC can primarily only be used on Apple products. If you have a mac and want to convert your HEIC images to PNG or another format follow the below steps.
1. Open your image in Preview (Double Click Image)
2. Click “File” and then “Export”
3. Choose the file type you want to export as
Export Options:
- JPEG-2000
- OpenEXR
4. Save the new file format
Enter a file name in the “Export As” section for the new file format and make sure you select where you want the new file to save then click save.
Now that you have saved the new file format, the new file should be saved in the location specified.
Sample Image: https://filesamples.com/formats/heic